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The Academy and the pandemic

The Woodstock Academy is for everyone. Professionals, amateurs and music enthusiasts come together here. With a safe distance, of course. This is because the Woodstock Academy is accompanied by a safety concept.

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the applicable hygiene measures will be observed and monitored throughout the event for the safety of all participants and staff.

It is important to know that participation is only permitted with a valid 3G certificate. Each participant must therefore be vaccinated, tested or recovered. This proof will be checked for the first time at check-in on Sunday. So have it ready on Sunday and at all events.

The health of the people taking part and acting has priority. That much is certain. That is why we always strive to create a safe atmosphere for participants and instructors.

The 3G rule applies to teaching units, workshops and supporting programs and there are sufficient facilities for disinfection and hand washing.

In Austria, as in many other countries, the 3G rule applies. This means that all persons wishing to take part in an event must be vaccinated, recovered or tested.

Please always keep your 3G proof handy. This is checked by the lecturers and also checked at the entrances. Also make sure that you treat each other with respect (keep your distance, wash your hands, etc.). Wearing masks is also welcome when entering buildings (at least until the 3G check).

